I have stories for day. My story is this: I am a woman, daughter, sister, mother, caretaker. I am full of vitality and drive. My vivacious spirit can be overwhelming to some, I get it. Some say I am strong, and others have even called me a woman of wonder and awarded me For it. I can tell you about my childhood, but you may not believe it. Just know this: I survived, and thrived!
My younger brother, Richard, was not so fortunate. Since technology became available, I have sought to have someone help my brother. Richard is my little brother and i am his only sister. He was taken from me in a cruel punishing way; neglect and a gang. He was unfairly sentenced by a jury in 1994, for a crime in 1993. He was a kid. in my experience 16 years old is a child. He was sentenced as an adult and given 3 life sentences. Currently, I am working on my senior project for my Bachelors degree and wanted to give him a place to say he was sorry. However, there are others who would also like to say their amends. In hopes that my brother is able to return to society after 28 years I am helping him help others have a platform To speak. My intention is to only provide a platform for people to say “I am sorry”. I will write a letter to the Board for the selected inmates that will participate. Any money donated will be toward a charity for troubled youth. join me for the next 12 weeks of uploads.
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