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Shedding Light

Who am I ? …

Hi, I am Stephanie, I am a senior in the Professional Sales Program at a four year university. The Amends Project has started as my senior project for my program of study in school, but, have found this blogging may be a lifelong mission. Why? Because it is doing good in the world.

Let me tell you about me...I have been a sister to a younger brother that is incarcerated. He has been locked away since the early 90's. Since the internet has become central to life, I have found it easier to communicate with him. I have found regular, consistent, encouraging communication has made him grow and think differently and I have witnessed my brother become an amazing person. So, to share with others, I thought I would turn my senior project into something bigger. I have asked three incarcerated individuals (Richard, Kevin, and Jose) to help me collaborate, collect, and begin this project. I am creating a way for a person (like my brother) to have a public social media presence to share their amends stories, letters of remorse, inmate programs, and the art they have created.

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